One Helluva Update

Yeah, I know, I’m bad. Waaaay too long since my last post. Full time work does that to you, especially data entry work, spend all day looking at a computer screen and the last thing I want to do when I get home is look at a computer screen all night too. Although its not so bad now I’m using a mac, got to love that font smoothing.

Anyways, epic picture update after the jump. You know you want to 😉

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New Home

I thought it was time to give Word Press a go instead of Blogger which I was using. Everything here seems a heck of a lot nicer to use than Blogger and I like having a decent looking theme that was able to take a 500 pixel wide photo from flickr without cutting bits of it off.

So lets kick things off with a photo (how else would I?). Hopefully there will be a lot more to come, especially after some of the upcoming shoots I have on the cards.